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How Dental Implants Work – Sweeny, TX

The Process of a Fully Restored Smile

An older woman standing outdoors and smiling after seeing her dentist in Sweeny about dental implants

At Sweeny Family Dental, Dr. Derek Funk knows you have questions about how dental implants work. As a dentist who provides start-to-finish implant placement and restoration in-house, he wants all his patients to have a clear understanding of the process. Replacing your missing teeth is a big decision, as is the choice to pursue dental implants. We invite you to review the following information below to learn more about what you can expect from the dental implant placement process. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.

Initial Dental Implant Consultation

A middle-aged woman talking to her dentist about dental implant placement during a consultation

Before you can begin to plan out your new smile with dental implants, you must first schedule a consultation with Dr. Funk. It is during this appointment that you will discuss your expectations, goals, and any concerns you might have about your missing teeth, oral health, or potential implant placement. Dr. Funk will also perform a full examination, looking at your oral cavity and facial structure to determine if you are a qualified candidate for implants.

Using 3D Cone Beam Imaging and digital X-Rays, he will review your teeth, jaw, and surrounding oral structures. Ultimately, the decision as to whether you can move forward with dental implants will be based on the following:

  • The density of your jawbone
  • Good, general oral health
  • Gum health

Based on his findings, Dr. Funk will either recommend you for treatment or require that you undergo a bone graft or sinus lift if your jawbone is not strong enough to support your restoration.

Dental Implant Surgery

Dental professionals performing dental implant surgery on a patient

Once you’ve been given the green light to move forward with implant placement, you will arrive on the day of your surgery and receive local anesthesia to ensure you are comfortable throughout the procedure.

Using a personalized treatment plan, which Dr. Funk, will create during your initial consultation, he will begin to make small incisions in your gums to expose the bone and carefully insert each implant into the vacated socket. Making sure it is properly aligned and situated within the jawbone, he will close up the surgical sites and send you home with detailed instructions for a successful recovery.

Dental Implant Osseointegration & Abutment

An up-close image of a dental implant situated on the lower arch of a person’s mouth

On average, the normal recovery time for a patient receiving dental implants is between 3 and 6 months. When you arrive home, the healing process will begin as the implant(s) fuse with the bone and surrounding tissues in a process known as osseointegration. Because this can take several months to complete, it is important that you follow the instructions provided to you for a swift and successful recovery.

Once your implants are fully fused with the bone, you will return to our office to receive your metal abutments. These are small appliances that serve as a connector between the implant and custom restoration.

We will need to reopen the gum tissue to place the abutment, and you will be required to wait a few weeks to allow the oral tissue to fully heal before placing the restoration.

Placement of Dental Implant Restorations

An older woman looking at her new smile in the mirror while her dentist explains the process of maintaining her implants at home

The last phase of dental implant placement is receiving your custom-made restoration. No matter if it is a dental crown, implant bridge, or implant-retained denture, Dr. Funk will carefully place the prosthetic on top of your implant and secured it in place.

This final stage of treatment will have you seeing a new and improved smile that is healthy, complete, and beautiful. The only thing you have left to do is maintain your implants with regular dental checkups and cleanings and practicing good oral hygiene at home.