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Preventive Dentistry – Sweeny, TX

Keeping Sweeny Smiles Sparkling

Woman receiving dental exam

Taking care of your teeth is a lot like taking care of your car, in that preventing a problem is much easier and cheaper than waiting for one to just pop up! At Sweeny Family Dental, we offer a long list of services that are specially designed to stop problems before they even start, ensuring that you and your family enjoy healthy and problem-free smiles year after year. If you’re ready to let us safeguard your smile against pesky cavities and gum disease, give us a call today to schedule an appointment for preventive dentistry in Sweeny, TX.

Why Choose Sweeny Family Dental for Preventive Dentistry?

  • Children & adults welcome!
  • In-network with most insurances!
  • Warm, friendly, & highly-skilled team

Dental Checkups & Teeth Cleanings

Femaile patient receiving dental exam

Whether someone is 3 or 103, Dr. Funk recommends that patients of all ages should receive at least two checkups and cleanings every year. Many oral health problems don’t exhibit any symptoms early on, meaning most people don’t notice anything until an issue is already quite advanced. Checkups enable Dr. Funk to find any decay or damage early and take care of it right away. And, with a professional cleaning, our team can remove harmful plaque and tartar from hard to reach areas in your mouth and break up minor surface stains to keep your teeth nice and white!

Fluoride Treatments

Smiling young girl in dental chair

You’ll find fluoride in quite a few places if you look—it’s in many foods, toothpastes, and probably even the water you drink from the tap. Decades of research has shown that regular exposure to this mineral is a safe and easy way to lower a person’s risk of developing tooth decay, which is why we often include a topical fluoride treatment during regular checkups. It only takes a minute, is completely painless, and it’s one of the best ways to keep a smile cavity-free between appointments.

Nightguards for Bruxism

Clear nightguard for metal tray

Do you consistently wake up with a headache or sore jaw? If so, you might be grinding your teeth while you sleep, which is a condition called bruxism. This exposes your teeth to crushing forces night after night, and eventually, it can lead to quite a bit of dental damage. Fortunately, we can help patients get past the grind with something called a nightguard. It’s a small oral appliance only worn to bed, and it simply places a firm barrier between the teeth to prevent any harmful contact during the night.

At-Home Oral Hygiene Products

Patient holding toothbrush with toothpaste

There is an almost endless variety of oral healthcare products available on store shelves today, but which ones are right for you and your family? Instead of listening to some ad campaign, the team at Sweeny Family Dental can point you in the right direction. We can even provide a number of prescription strength products that you won’t find on store shelves. Just be sure to talk to our hygienists at your next appointment, and they’ll set you straight!