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Cosmetic Dentistry – Sweeny, TX

Get the Smile You Deserve

Woman covering her smile

While healthy smiles are always our #1 priority, we know that having an attractive set of teeth is extremely important as well! That’s why we offer a number of cosmetic treatments that can eliminate annoying imperfections like stains, chips, cracks, and gaps. If you’re ready to finally have the kind of smile that helps you feel confident rather than self-conscious, then we invite you to give Dr. Funk a call to learn more about cosmetic dentistry in Sweeny, TX. It’s easier than you think to get a smile fit for the silver screen!

Why Choose Sweeny Family Dental for Cosmetic Dentistry?

  • Treatments always customized to patient specifications
  • Get rid of coffee, wine, & tobacco stains
  • Virtual Smile Design: see results before treatment starts

Porcelain Veneers

Woman's smile compared with tooth color chart

Porcelain veneers are extremely thin ceramic restorations that are designed to look like flawless white enamel and fit over the front side of the teeth. With them, Dr. Funk can make a wide variety of aesthetic issues disappear all at once, saving patients from having to get multiple treatments. They are always custom-made, so whether you’re looking for a minor touch-up or complete makeover, you can get exactly what you want with veneers in just two appointments.

Learn More About Veneers


Metal-Free Dental Crowns

Closeup of flawless smile

Dental crowns used to repair damaged teeth used to only be made of silver and gold, which made them pretty unideal for teeth that show prominently in the smile. Fortunately, we now have a much better option: 100% porcelain crowns. These restorations can be shaped, shaded, and sculpted to perfectly recreate the appearance of real enamel down to the finest detail. With them, only you and Dr. Funk will know which tooth has been restored!

Cosmetic Dental Bonding

Patient receiving dental bonding

For patients in need of a quick fix for a small dark spot, minor chip, or thin gap in their smile, cosmetic bonding is the perfect solution. Dr. Funk will simply apply a color-matched composite resin to the affected tooth and sculpt it into a normal looking part of the enamel, hiding any flaw along the way. The procedure only takes about an hour, is completely painless, and the results can be trusted to last for about 10 years.

Learn More About Direct Bonding

Opalescence® Teeth Whitening

Opalescence teeth whitening kit

Tired of seeing dental stains caused by coffee, wine, or tobacco every time you look in the mirror? With our Opalescence teeth whitening treatments, we can return that youthful glow to your smile in no time. With BOOST, we can break up stubborn stains in just one quick in-office treatment. Or, with GO, we can help you whiten whenever and wherever you want using a kit designed just for you. Either way, the end result will be the same: a smile that is 6-8 shades brighter!

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Gum Recontouring

Closeup of healthy teeth and gums

Do you have a “gummy” smile? Does your gum line cause your teeth to look short, stubby, or uneven? If so, we can take care of this problem in just one appointment using our soft tissue laser. With it, we can quickly and painlessly remove excess tissue to unveil previously hidden dental structures. We can then reshape this new gum line along the teeth to create the perfect frame for your smile.

Virtual Smile Design

Woman looking at her smile in mirror

Wouldn’t it be great if you could see the results of a cosmetic treatment before you actually got it? With Virtual Smile Design, we can help you look into the future by editing a photo of your current smile to show you how teeth whitening, veneers, or any other procedure you’re interested in would affect your appearance. We can make any adjustments you want in seconds, and that way, you can go into your treatment with peace of mind.

Understanding the Cost of Cosmetic Dentistry

Hand putting coin in blue piggy bank

Cosmetic dentistry has a bad reputation for being expensive, but it's more affordable than you might believe. You have more treatment options than ever before, so there's a solution to fit your budget. Many factors affect the cost of cosmetic dentistry, but we offer flexible financial solutions to keep a stunning smile affordable for everyone.

Which Cosmetic Dental Service is Right for Me? 

Woman having a dental procedure

There's no flat fee for cosmetic dentistry because every situation is unique. Many things will influence the amount you'll pay, like the complexity of your case and the procedures needed. Common cosmetic dental treatments include:

  • Porcelain Veneers: Porcelain veneers are a cost-effective option because they can correct many imperfections using one treatment. The minimally invasive procedure can fix stains, chips, gaps, and more.
  • Metal-Free Dental Restorations: Ceramic materials are used to create biocompatible restorations that look like real teeth. They will blend in, so only a trained dental professional will know they are there.
  • Cosmetic Dental Bonding: A composite resin can correct many imperfections quickly. The material is shaded to the color of your enamel to look like part of your tooth.
  • Teeth Whitening: A professional whitening treatment can get your teeth up to 8 shades whiter when used on surface stains.

Cosmetic Dentistry Can Be an Investment Worth Making

Woman pointing to her teeth

You can't put a price on the benefits of an attractive smile. Researchers have found that a pleasing smile is attributed to youth, success, and confidence. Not to mention, not all issues are purely aesthetic. Some can affect your dental health, like chips or cracks. Repairing them not only enhances the appearance of your smile but also your dental health. You'll be less likely to need costly dental work later while having a stunning smile to be proud of.

How to Make Cosmetic Dentistry Affordable

Calculator and cash spread out on a table

You have several options to keep an attractive smile within your budget. A member of our dental team will review your estimate and explain the fees, so you'll know exactly what you'll have to pay before committing to anything. They will also discuss your payment options, which include:

  • Traditional Payments: Our office accepts all traditional payment methods, including cash, personal checks, and most credit cards.
  • Dental Insurance: Dental insurance rarely covers elective services, but your benefits may include your consultation and diagnostic procedures. If a treatment is medically necessary, your insurance may partially cover some of the expenses after meeting your annual deductible. We will work on your behalf with your dental insurance to maximize any appropriate coverage.
  • Financing: You can make monthly installments on any out-of-pocket costs with little or no interest in financing.