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Dentures – Sweeny, TX

A Proven Way to Achieve a Complete Smile

Man and woman smiling with dentures in Sweeny

At Sweeny Family Dental, we are committed to crafting one-of-a-kind prosthetics to help patients suffering from incomplete smiles. Whether it is a significant gap along the upper or lower arch or an entire row of missing teeth that is the problem, we can provide proven solutions that will enhance appearances and improve oral health, one of which is custom dentures in Sweeny. If you would like to learn more about how you can get started with these trustworthy prosthetics, give us a call today.

Who is a Good Candidate for Dentures?

Man missing multiple teeth

It’s highly unlikely that you will not be considered a good candidate for dentures. Most people who are without multiple teeth or entire rows need some form of tooth replacement, and customized full, partial, or implant dentures will likely be the treatment of choice.

However, before we can begin the process of preparing your mouth for these prosthetics, we must conduct a complete examination of your oral cavity. This means we will evaluate your current oral health and whether preliminary treatment is required (i.e., bone grafting, gum disease treatment, tooth extraction, etc.) as well as the density of your existing jawbone to ensure adequate support for your new teeth.

Types of Dentures

Digital image of an implant denture

At Sweeny Family Dental, we offer three types of dentures, which we will go over during your initial consultation:

Partial Dentures

To fill in gaps left behind by missing teeth, our team can craft a partial denture that consists of a metal framework, gum-colored acrylic base, and artificial teeth. Metal clasps help to hold the denture in place, as it is connected to healthy abutment teeth on either side of the gap.

Full Dentures

An entire arch of missing teeth can easily be restored with the help of full dentures. Using the same gum-colored acrylic base and artificial teeth, these prosthetics rely on denture adhesive and natural suction to ensure a secure fit. It’s also possible to have these secured to implant posts.

Implant Dentures

Whether multiple teeth or an entire arch need to be replaced, titanium implant posts can be positioned within the jawbone to provide maximum stability and foundational support. Once fused with the bone tissues, a customized denture can then be secured in place to deliver a stronger bite, greater functionality, and a more youthful appearance.

Benefits of Dentures

Woman smiling with dentures

Choosing dentures will allow you to experience one-of-a-kind benefits that you may not expect, such as:

  • An improved bite force so that you eat more of the foods you love
  • Prosthetics that can last several years before needing replacement (traditional dentures) or 30+ years (implant dentures)
  • A more youthful appearance because of how they fill out your cheeks and facial features
  • Greater oral health
  • Reduced risk of jawbone resorption (implant dentures)