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Cost of Dental Implants – Sweeny, TX

The Ultimate Investment for Your Smile

Woman smiling with dental implants in Sweeny

If you’re considering dental implants, one of your thoughts is probably about cost. There are many factors that contribute to the overall price of your treatment, which is why it’s difficult to provide a precise cost estimate without examining your smile. However, Dr. Funk has outlined some of the most important factors that can influence the cost of your dental implants. Read on to learn more about why this life changing treatment is always worth the investment.

Why Choose Sweeny Family Dental for Dental Implants?

  • High-quality & custom-made restorations
  • Life-like, durable results
  • Start-to-finish convenience

Types of Dental Implants

 Model of implant-retained bridge

Dr. Funk offers various options for dental implant tooth replacement, and the type that you need will directly affect your overall cost. For a single missing tooth, Dr. Funk can seamlessly complete your smile with an implant-retained crown. If you’re missing multiple teeth consecutively, an implant-retained dental bridge may be the perfect option. And, for a full smile replacement, Dr. Funk can use implant-retained dentures. While no two smiles are the same, the number of implants that you require will increase depending on how many teeth you’re missing.

What are the Stages of Dental Implant Treatment?

Man in collared shirt smiling in dental chair

There are multiple stages of the dental implant process, each with their own cost that contributes to the total price of your treatment. Initially, you’ll visit Dr. Funk for a consultation. He will carefully examine your smile before developing your personalized treatment plan. From there, you’ll have your surgery, where small implants are placed in your jaw. Next, you’ll begin a healing period called osseointegration, which allows the implants to bond to your bone. After at least 3 to 4 months, you’ll come back into our office, where Dr. Funk will take impressions and images of your smile. These are used to create your custom-made restorations, which are placed at the following appointment. The result is a complete smile that looks, feels, and functions just like your natural one.

Are Dental Implants Worth the Investment?

Older man in sweater eating an apple

While dental implants do tend to come with a higher price tag, the unique benefits they bring you always makes them worth the investment. Dental implants are the only tooth replacement option that can last for a lifetime with proper care. This can actually save you money from avoided replacements in the future. Plus, dental implants stimulate your jawbone to prevent it from deteriorating after tooth loss, preventing additional missing teeth and a sunken facial appearance. That’s why dental implant treatment is one of the smartest investments you can make!

Does My Dental Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

Typically, most dental insurance plans will not cover dental implants, but this will vary on a case by case basis. Sometimes, your insurance may be able to cover certain aspects of the process like your initial consultation, any needed periodontal therapy, and more. Our front desk staff is friendly and knowledgeable, helping to minimize your out of pocket costs while maximizing your benefits. We want to make our high-quality dentistry as affordable as possible for all patients.